No one is obligated to support you and expend resources so that you can easily access your porn library or whatever it is that has you all worked up. You chose to go with a proprietary product and are crying when said proprietary product is discontinued and no longer supported, as is the expected outcome for damn near every proprietary product on the planet, digital or otherwise.
Who the actual f*ck said you aren't free to run your Flash files? Just because you can't figure out how to install software doesn't mean that web browsers have to support your obsolete format or keep the security liability that it represents open. Whether you like it or agree with my choices is irrelevant. So, products must be open source for me to use them? I was under the impression that my computer was mine and I can run whatever I want on it. That's why I no longer do if for a living and try to forget it ever happened. Web developers, in general, are fucking idiots. The more things change, the more they stay the same! So, my main option, other than continuing to complain and draw attention to the issue, is to just stop visiting those sites and support alternatives.

When I complain about this, people tell me to shut the fuck up and just use a "modern" browser. It's no different than the Flash situation in to 90's. Why? Because they don't believe in following standards, graceful degradation, and using document-centric design instead of application-centric design. When I try to visit those sites, they tell me my browser is not supported. Those sites have banned my web browser because it's not a popular name brand like Chrome or Firefox. WTF?!įunny, right now I have that issue with sites like Twitter, Instagram, and RottenTomatoes. Adobe does not intend to issue Flash Player updates or security patches any longer, so it is recommended that users uninstall the plugin.ĭuring a conversation about Flash, he said that he did not give a shit about people who don't use Flash. "Open standards such as HTML5, WebGL, and WebAssembly have continually matured over the years and serve as viable alternatives for Flash content," the company explained. Adobe has instructions for uninstalling Flash on Mac, but note that Apple removed support for Flash outright in Safari 14 last year.Īdobe first announced its plans to discontinue Flash in 2017.
Mac Rumors reports: "Since Adobe will no longer be supporting Flash Player after Decemand Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021, Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems," the page reads.

While this day has long been coming, with many browsers disabling Flash by default years ago, it is officially the end of a 25-year era for Flash, first introduced by Macromedia in 1996 and acquired by Adobe in 2005. I also don't miss VHS or cassette tapes, that doesn't mean it don't remember them fondly.When a user attempts to load a Flash game or content in a browser such as Chrome, the content now fails to load and instead displays a small banner that leads to the Flash end-of-life page on Adobe's website.

Was that aimed at me? If so then did you even read my post?Īlso saying you won't miss something that has been superseded isn't "dissing it". I hope people are successful in archiving content, I know there are some websites that host Flash in a browser so you can still mostly access that content. I shudder when I remember the dull pages that were a sea of blue text hyperlinks before stuff like Flash existed. Anyone that poo-poos Flash basically isn't old enough to remember how terrible and lifeless the internet was before it existed. It was a huge stepping stone for what the internet became. Without Adobe Flash, I don't think we'd evolve HTML the way it has. So, people who diss and dismiss Adobe Flash just to look cool are annoying fools. HTML5 literally replaced it because it copied its functionality without being dependent on 3rd party plugin and it's now an integral part of browser engines. Just because it didn't age well in its final stage of lifecycle, that doesn't mean Adobe Flash didn't push online content to new heights. It was also a method of creating insanely rich and visually appealing webpages that were just not possible through HTML at the time. Everyone raving how they won't miss Adobe Flash at all and dismissing it was a method that for years delivered video content to the masses and provided endless hours of enjoyment through games and animations it helped create.